Occupational Therapy | Sensory Integration AUTISM,ADHD,LD,CP,Down Syndrome
SPD,ID,Behavioral issues,developmental delay & all types of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Patients treated over 35 Countries
SPD,ID,Behavioral issues,developmental delay & all types of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Patients treated over 35 Countries
Dr. Renuka Desai is an Occupational Therapist with Masters degree from Mumbai University. She holds a Certification in Sensory Integration from University of Southern California.
Currently working as a Professor and incharge in Pad Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Occupational Therapy.
She has an excellent academic career, was top ranker during her Under Graduate program and stood first in Post Graduation from LTMMMC, Sion Hospital Mumbai.
She has a rich clinical experience of more than 23 years and has done 12 years of professional teaching in various institutes.
To her credit, she has 4 years of experience in central government setup, All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ( AIIPMR, Mumbai ), and has clinical expertise of handling multiple disabilities in Kids and disability certification.
She has treated challenging autism clients from across 35 countries and all over India. She is awarded for her paper presentation in national conference and has published papers on areas of rehabilitation. She is one of the authors of the book 'Looking after kids with Autism'
To her credit she has also done presentations on Autism Nationally and Internationally
'Play and Heal' Therapy Center is her passion and dedication to reach to all the kids with special needs and train parents who are looking out for result oriented quality services under one roof.
We provide therapies that help the child to improve his / her Sensory Processing, Attention, Activity and Participation level, Daily living Skills, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, Posture, Visual Perceptual skills, Eye hand coordination, Cognitive skills, Social skills, Handwriting issues, Speech, Academic skills and Behavioral manifestation.
The aim is to achieve Functional Independence in the child and promote participation in society.
Play is a basic occupation of a child and our Therapies are based on developmental aspects of the child with the therapeutic benefits of the sensory play to heal the child from within.
We offer Structured Individualized Treatment program to the child with special needs to improve the quality of life at home and school.
We empower the parents and caregivers during the sessions to carry the smooth transition of treatment at home which in turn accelerates the improvement and reduces the longevity of the treatment duration.
This makes easy to achieve the desired goals
Sensory Integration therapy is given to the kids with Sensory processing Disorders. Sensory integration helps to filter and organize the information coming from the environment to give an appropriate response.
Occupational therapy involves providing functional activities that address the physical, cognitive, visual-perceptual, gross-motor
Sensory Integration therapy is given to the kids with Sensory processing Disorders. Sensory integration helps to filter and organize the information coming from the environment to give an appropriate response.
Occupational therapy involves providing functional activities that address the physical, cognitive, visual-perceptual, gross-motor, fine motor and social skills that helps to improve quality of performance and enables one to function adequately in day to day activities.
We work to discover the ability from the disability.
This therapy is given to kids with issues in speech and communication. It helps to improve language development, communication and pragmatic language skills. Activities in OT sessions are given to develop oral motor skills .
This service is given to the kids having issues in their academic skills and who need an Individualized education plan to address their individual needs that cause hindrance in their academic journey.
We use Standardized Assessment, do Structured and Unstructured observation in a clinical set up.
Reports are generated on Standardized Scoring.
Therapy session is of 45 mins and the frequency depends only on the severity of the condition.
Every 6months we follow up by administering the scales to see the progress of the child.
Occupational therapy is a method to get a person back to the occupation that is meaningful, purposeful and necessary to function in areas of selfcare and personal/ social development. All stages of Human cycle represents certain areas/ occupations that are necessary to be developed and lay a foundation for future skills .If this skills are affected in a child or any adult, due to any impairement or disability, Occupational therapist provides therapy by direct intervention or prescribes and train the person with assistive devices/ compensatory strategies or techniques.
Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability.
You can also view this link to understand better:
What indigestion is to your digestive system same is sensory disintegration to your Brain.
Sensory issues in kids happen due to difficulty to process, organise and filter sensory information from the surrounding to give out the meaningful response. And hence either they are overresponsive or under responsive.
Sensory integration helps in better functioning of an individual’s sensory system. It helps the sensory system to receive the right stimulation from its environment.
Occupational therapist with Sensory Integration Certifiication is the right professional to deliver such services.
Evaluation and treatment of basic sensory integrative processes is performed in the therapy session.
Formal assessment /Standardised questionnaire like Sensory Profile is used to assess the detail sensory processing concerns of the child.
Call or send details on WhatsApp on 7977694594.
Consultation is only on appointment basis.
The fees for an OT assessment is Rs 2500/-
Duration - 45 mins to 1 hour
Formal/ standardized assessment are charged separately.
List of Standardized assessment Performed:
Sensory Profile
Berry VMI
The fees for individual therapy session is Rs. 900
Duration Of Session : 45 mins.
Cancellation policy for Appointment
Address: Play And Heal Therapy Center for Special Needs, Unit 302G, Third Floor, Neptune Flying Colours, Above Grand Celebration Banquet Hall, Mulund Check Naka, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400080
WhatsApp (91) 7977694594
Dr. Renuka's Play And Heal Occupational Therapy Center For Special Needs, Siddharth Nagar, Mulund West, Mumbai 400080, Maharashtra
Take Prior Appointment
Monday - Friday: 10 am - 8 pm / Saturday: 10 am - 8 pm / Sunday: Closed
Expert Occupational Therapist
International Certification with decades of practice
Patients treated across 35 countries
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